Cannabis Dispensary Solutions
Growing Efficiency and Profits For Dispensaries
Whether you’re the seller or the buyer, the ideal transaction at a cannabis dispensary ends with both parties getting their green. To ensure maximum satisfaction for all, safe, secure, and efficient storage solutions must be employed throughout the distribution process. Spacesaver and their network of local experts know how to cultivate the perfect strain of systems to keep product quality high and client satisfaction and profits even higher.

Getting High (Demand) On Your Supply
Running a dispensary is a balancing act between providing fast and friendly service for clients and keeping meticulous records to comply with state laws and local regulations. Employing a well-organized system for product intake and dispensing not only improves the customer experience, but also simplifies inventory control and helps ensure compliance from seed to sale.
By optimizing the flow of product at every step from the receiving area to the sales floor, well-planned dispensary storage protects inventory and maximizes profits. We can integrate with your inventory control system that accounts for every single gram of cannabis that is brought into your facility, while also saving staff time and creating a more engaging shopping experience.

Creating A Clean And Tight Joint
Because disorganized products are difficult to manage, they’re more likely to expire, get damaged, or even get stolen. Lost inventory is a direct hit to your bottom line, and that’s why it is essential to utilize well-planned and ordered cannabis dispensary storage systems like Spacesaver’s FrameWRX® bin shelving modular storage system.
When storing more in less space is the goal, look to our High-Density Mobile Storage systems for the path to success. Designed for use anywhere in the retail environment from the stockroom to the sales floor, these versatile solutions can cut your required storage space nearly in half. Our patented technology promotes user safety and allows for increased security through PIN or badge-swipe access, ensuring valuable inventory is always accounted for.

For Marijuana Use Only
Bring storage out of the back room and onto the sales floor with compact shelving that enhances the customer experience. End-of-aisle shelving can be used for retail display re-stocking, or extra-quick access to frequently accessed products, and the entire system can be customized in a variety of colors and finishes to complement the interior design of any dispensary. The powered systems offer PIN or badge-swipe access to ensure that only authorized staff can open aisles and access product.

Modifying Existing Spaces
When this Philadelphian cannabis dispensary wanted to convert a former bank building into attractive dispensary space for its clients, they knew they needed a partner that could install storage systems that would help them in complying with a number of rules and regulations. See how Spacesaver’s expert was able to support the dispensary in making bank in their new endeavor.

Let’s Spark Up A Partnership
Keeping inventory organized saves time, saves space, and improves the customer experience. Need help designing your optimal layout? Contact your local Spacesaver consultant for help with optimizing space and improving workflows at your dispensary – or in any other stage of the production cycle – through our trusted GROW solutions.
Our space professionals can provide pricing and ordering information, or they can stop by to take a look at your dispensary and share ideas. There’s no cost and no obligation, and it’s the best way to ensure every ounce of your product is right where it should be until its turn to roll out.