Evidence Lockers
Securing the Evidence Chain of Custody
Physical evidence is key in determining how a crime was committed, who was involved in the crime, and most importantly, who wasn’t. By maintaining an undisputed chain of evidence custody from crime scene collection to entry into the court’s record, the letter of the law is clearly visible to all participants in determining the innocence or guilt of each defendant. Spacesaver understands the concerns and challenges of law enforcement professionals and our evidence storage solutions were designed with their specific needs in mind.

Temporary Evidence Lockers
Evidence can arrive for processing any time of day or night — and until it’s received by a property room technician, needs a temporary storage solution that can guarantee its security and integrity. Designed to provide a secure chain of custody for short-term evidence storage, Spacesaver’s evidence lockers have a reputation that precincts can rely on.

Front Door Configurations
Discover how these lockers can be configured and engineered for your needs.
Front Door Configurations
Discover how these lockers can be configured and engineered for your needs.

Customized to Your Specifications

- Heavy-duty 14-gauge & 18-gauge welded construction
- Fully enclosed compartments to prevent cross-contamination
- Multi-point latch mechanism that resides in the door and frame
- Self-closing doors with anti-pry tabs

Pass-Thru Lockers vs.
Non-Pass-Thru Lockers
Pass-Thru Lockers
- Built into the wall, allowing evidence to be deposited from one side and retrieved from another
- Optional front lock-out system is available to lock the front doors when the rear door is opened, preventing unauthorized access to the evidence and property room through a locker opening
- Full-size rear door allows the evidence technician to efficiently and securely remove items and reset the locker openings for continued use

Non-Pass-Thru Lockers
- Locker bays can easily be mounted against a wall
- Evidence is both deposited and retrieved from the same self-closing doors by authorized personnel
- Push-button, keyless locks on doors with master key for evidence retrieval
- Have the option to be converted into a pass-thru configuration at a later date

Keyless Locking System vs. ControLoc®
Keyless Locking System
- Provides for unattended evidence deposit – no keys required
- Push-button, keyless locks on front doors
- Multi-point locking systems on all doors
- Non-pass-thru configurations keyed differently, with a master key, for dedicated evidence retrieval

ControLoc® Locking System
- Increased accountability through computerized tracking and monitoring of user and locker door activity
- On-demand activity report generation
- Doors automatically lock when not being accessed
- Remote monitoring of multiple locations from a central location
- Dedicated software and on-site setup and training
- Five different modes of operation
- Choice of card access or numeric control pad options

Refrigerated Evidence Locker
Our large and small sized refrigerated evidence lockers are specifically engineered to maintain the integrity of biological samples while ensuring chain of custody is maintained. Spacesaver’s refrigerated lockers:
- Maintain a constant temperature of 38 to 42 degrees Fahrenheit
- Work with pass-thru or non-pass-thru functionality
- Have a built-in digital alarm for temperature fluctuations
- Contain lockable inserts to accommodate changing sizes of evidence
- Are available in 3 door opening sizes

Narcotics Evidence Lockers
When it comes to narcotics evidence storage, the International Association for Property and Evidence (IAPE) outlines several best practices — and the advice is pretty straightforward.
Narcotics storage should have:
- A separate location from general long-term evidence
- A location with enhanced, often “double-locked” security
- Proper ventilation to mitigate health risks from exposure to chemical fumes, drug particles, and other contaminants
Clean Air & Comfort
With louvered vents, recessed interior accessories, and the ability to connect to your department’s HVAC system, the Narcotics Evidence Locker (NEL) is designed to reduce and eliminate narcotics odors and improve the air quality of the surrounding environment, reducing safety hazards for evidence technicians and other personnel who need to access the storage.
Flexibility Maximizing Organization
Easy-to-configure accessories such as interior rails, full-width shelves, and drawers make the NEL a storage system that is big on flexibility and can evolve with your evidence storage needs.
Security & Confidence
Designed for durability and security, the NEL provides peace of mind that narcotics evidence is safely stored under lock and key. From its all-steel construction to a variety of lock options including hasp, key lock, combination lock, or digital lock, this narcotics evidence storage system fits seamlessly into the collection and tracking processes of any department.